Popped Collar

Abducted Aliens och Radical Rats äventyr i universum.
TV-spelshat och nedvärderande åsikter om alla andra
människor utlovas, inbäddat i mängder med kärlek.

The Valentines Day Treat

Hallå! Rat här igen. Jag fick nyss besök av en av mina brittiska vänner, och han var vänlig nog att dela med sig av en av sina bästa suphistorier! Den är på engelska, men jag har tilltro till att den intellektuella nivån på er läsare är tillräckligt hög för att klara av det. Det här är trots allt inte Kissies eller Blondinbellas blogg, där endast extremt korkade och vilseledda idioter huserar. Det här är Popped Collar, bloggvärldens Rom.

Nåväl, här kommer den sanna berättelsen:

The Valentines Day Treat

On valentines day a couple of days ago I was out at a bar and had a few drinks. I started talking to a girl and we actually hit it off. She asked if I wanted to come home with her at the end of the night, and we walked through the park towards her place. We stopped in front of a fountain, and looked up at the sky. She told me what her star sign was, and I told her that our signs matched, and that it was fate. We hugged a bit right there, and I felt her warm hands on my back as the cold breeze nearly swept us away. It was romantic, even.

We got to her place, and we had a few glasses of whine while talking about all kinds of things. She told me she had recently gotten out of a long, abusive relationship, and wasn't ready to go into another one just yet. I told her I understood, and I was fine with being her friend if that was what she needed. I saw a few tears in her eyes and leaned over to comfort her, and suddenly she kissed me. It was a passionate kiss. It had been in the air for quite some time, and it was like she was aching to get to it. She ripped my shirt off, and I pulled down her sweater. We went to the bedroom and laid down on her bed. She stripped off all her clothes and stood on all four in front of me. I grabbed her ass and started plowing her gently, and finally I got what I thought was a great idea!

I leaned over her and grabbed around her shoulders with both of my hands in a very tight grip. I locked my body tightly to hers and made sure my dick was inside her cunt, put my mouth close to her left ear and whispered:

"Oh, I forgot to tell you something... I have AIDS!"

I started counting the seconds until she eventually would manage to shake me off. It was not unlike one of those mechanical bulls that you ride on bars and carnevals and have to stay on while they try to shake you off. She yelled and screamed, but I held tightly and managed to keep on her! I lasted for 2 minutes and 47 seconds, emptied my load in my hand and smeared it on her ass. I put my clothes on and said: "Happy valentines day!" and ran home. It had been a good night!

The End

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